Erv's Mug
Remember 1979- post-it notes were invented and Mother Theresa won the Nobel Prize. The Susan B. Anthony dollar coin was introduced & ESPN started its first broadcast. Pope John Paul became the first pope to set foot on U.S. soil & Erv’s Mug opened.
Wow, what a year! Erv & Barb became owner-operators & I was just starting High School. I grew up around here, learning from my Dad when he least wanted me to. I grew to love this business, despite my parents best efforts to steer me in another direction. Now, quite a few years and a law degree later, this is where I want to be.
Over the years, Erv & Barb’s presence has been a staple at the “Mug”. Erv was always fond of early mornings, Barb was fond of Saturday nights. But, to us, all of the staff is part of our “family”.
More about Erv's Mug
At the heart of the extended “Mug” family, we are joined together by a vision of service, sincerity, smiles & fun. We will do our best to remember your name or at least what you’re drinking & we hope you remember ours.
Our 5th decade of service finds us with second generation staff & customers, as well as new customers who were once staff. We consider this evolution quite a compliment. We’ve lost some of our dear friends over the years, but we welcome all of our new ones.
You’re in for a one-of-a-kind treat at Erv’s Mug as you gaze upon the fascinating collection of antique saloon memorabilia covering the walls & ceiling. Thanks to the volunteer efforts of our creative staff, Erv’s comes alive with seasonal magic & decorations several times a year.
We are unique. We are independent & we cannon be duplicated. In this world of cookie cutter chains and fast service drive thrus, we want you to relax & slow down a bit. Relax & experience an original, ’cause you can only get what you get here . . . here.
Make yourself at home for lunch, dinner, cocktails or a late date that just can’t wait.
Spar with the bartender, wink at the waitress, give the lady next to you a squeeze, perhaps even hum your favorite tune.
We’re Glad You’re Here.
In memory of Erv, the guy whose name will always be on the door...and Barb, the gal who made it happen.
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